Our Backward Homesteading Journey:

From Off-Grid Hospitality to Homestead Haven

The first half of the movie is me talking in Norwegian. The second part is a day in the life of our employees <3

Hello! My name is Trine Marie. In 2023, after 12 years in the off-grid hospitality business, we sold our family-run business to focus on building a different dream – our homestead life.

Nestled between Norway’s majestic mountains, about nine miles from the nearest road, you’ll find this off-grid gem. Skogadalsbøen is only accessible by foot or horseback and was our cherished home for ten winter and ten summer seasons. For four of those seasons, my husband’s parents ran the cabin. Then we took over and ran it for six years.

An off-grid cabin in nestled between the norwegian mountains.

Gateway to Homesteading

Skogadalsbøen was our gateway to homesteading. Living completely isolated, mostly without cell reception while being responsible for the 3000 hikers and skiers that visited during a season demanded a steady mind and the will to find creative solutions and learn how to fix things ourselves.

The challenging terrain meant having to fly in all supplies, including food and fuel, with a helicopter. It was a challenge to keep costs down and we would only keep the generator running for a few hours in the morning and evening to be able to serve breakfast and our simple, but hearty three-course dinner. The logistics of ordering, storing, and packing supplies could have been near to impossible, but my wonderful inlaws and a small army of friends and volunteers made it all possible.

A couple holding hands, standing towards each other. Dogs playing in the background by a parked old land rover defender.

A year into running the cabin I got pregnant with our first baby and two years later came the next one. I loved every second of our secluded family life, but in the beginning, I didn’t understand the immense value of that time together. Up there it was just us. Our wonderful guests came and went, but we remained. We lived, breathed, cried, laughed, and worked very hard together. During that incredible time, we forged the strongest, yet most delicate family chains of love.

Our very small business never made us a lot of money. However, our love for the deep valleys and high, wild mountains that we grew up exploring and hiking in as kids, made it worth it. We learned how to make the most of what we had and didn’t allow ourselves any major investments. Without realizing it, the fruit of our diligence and frugality slowly grew within our business. And when we sold in 2021 we were able to both pay for the new hospitality business in full and make the down payment on a rental apartment as a step in diversifying our income.

When an unexpected opportunity arose to manage a larger cabin, we made the tough decision to leave our beloved paradise. We had hoped that increased revenue would grant our family more time and freedom, but after two years, we realized it wasn’t the case. The realisation was hard at first, but it was also a blessing in disguise as it gave us that push we needed to dedicate fully to our homestead.

Over the years we’ve been slowly, but steadily working towards diversifying our income, building confidence as business owners and developing a mindset for financial stability and freedom. Our dream and goal is to be self- and community-sufficient.

Since selling our business and facing a more “normal” day-to-day life, we have experienced this incredible determination and motivational surge to put in the work and do what’s necessary to create an abundant life for our family.

We know that we have the power to determine our own fate and we are craving a community of like-minded, determined people to share, learn, and develop together with. We especially hope that you join our newsletter (sign up right below here). Happiness and success grow when shared. And we want to share all of ours with you. And perhaps you’ll share some with us too!