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Complete List Of The Best Books On Composting

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Book Cover for The Compost Coach

Want to know what composting and sourdough have in common? 

They were both very scary things that all these amazing people on social media were mastering at a level I could hardly comprehend. I told myself I’d have time to do the necessary deep dive into those topics when I retired. In the meantime, I’d just have to make do with normal bread and store-bought compost. 

I mean, there’s a science to everything, but my scattered brain shuts down when people start throwing difficult words at me. Like actinomycete (micro-organisms that create an earthy smell) or aerobic respiration (a process where micro-organisms use oxygen to break down waste and turn it into energy). Or micro-organisms for that matter! What are they really? Can you see them? What do they eat? Why are they dead and how do I resurrect them? Am I right?!

(Here’s the only composting terminology glossary that I use and that you’ll ever. need.)

Anyways, I got out of my head eventually. I found some books that broke it down into very manageable steps and explained every detail in an easy-to-understand way. This post contains some of the good books I’ve read (the beginner section) some my kids have read and also a few I’m planning on reading. It’s a great place to start if you’re as lost as I once were. Hope this is helpful! Let me know if I’ve overlooked a great book you need me to add to the list! 

First Though: What Is Composting?

Composting is a natural process that turns things like food waste, yard waste, and paper into nutrient-rich soil. It’s like recycling but for organic matter. When we throw these materials into compost heaps or piles, tiny microorganisms like bacteria and fungi start breaking them down. As they do, they release nutrients that are good for plants and the environment.

Composting helps reduce the amount of trash sent to landfills, where it can take a long time to break down. By composting, you’re helping to create a valuable resource for your garden and the planet. Plus, it’s a sustainable way to dispose of waste and help improve soil health.

To make good compost, you need a balance of “green” materials like fruit and vegetable scraps, grass clippings, and coffee grounds, and “brown” materials like leaves, straw, and cardboard. By mixing these ingredients and keeping your compost pile moist and aerated, you can create nutrient-rich soil that will help your plants thrive. Composting is not only beneficial for the environment, but it’s also a fun and rewarding way to give back to nature.

Beginner Books On Composting

Book Cover of Composting Made Easy

Composting Made Easy by Jacob A. Moore

A practical guide that simplifies the process of composting for beginners. Moore breaks down the steps into easy-to-follow instructions, making it accessible for anyone interested in reducing waste and creating nutrient-rich soil. With clear explanations and helpful tips, he explains the benefits of composting and how to get started without feeling overwhelmed.

Moore emphasizes the importance of using organic materials and maintaining the right balance of greens and browns for successful composting. By following his advice, readers can turn their kitchen scraps and yard waste into a valuable resource for their gardens.

Book Cover of Composting for a new generation

Composting For A New Generation by Michelle Balz

Michelle Balz’s Composting For A New Generation is a complete guide for backyard and indoor composting systems, offering solutions to common problems faced by composters. Balz provides practical advice on how to effectively turn kitchen scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost, suitable for enhancing garden soil.

The book explores innovative techniques for composting in limited spaces, making it accessible to urban dwellers and those with small yards. Balz’s expertise in composting shines through as she addresses common challenges and offers sustainable solutions for creating a successful composting system. Composting For A New Generation is a must-read for anyone looking to embrace eco-friendly practices and reduce waste.

Book Cover for The complete composting guide for beginners

The Complete Composting Guide for Beginners: Grow Your Own From Home by Linda Marsden 

The Complete Composting Guide for Beginners: Grow Your Own From Home by Linda Marsden is a comprehensive and user-friendly manual for those looking to dive into the world of composting. Marsden provides detailed instructions on setting up a compost system, selecting the right materials, and troubleshooting common issues that beginners may encounter. She emphasizes the importance of composting for improving soil health and reducing waste, offering practical tips on creating nutrient-rich compost for gardening success.

With step-by-step guidance and helpful illustrations, Marsden makes composting accessible and achievable for readers of all skill levels. Her passion for sustainability and organic gardening shines through in this informative and empowering guide.

Book Cover for The Compost Coach

The Compost Coach by Kate Flood

In Kate Flood’s The Compost Coach, she shares innovative techniques for maximizing compost use on a small farm. Flood’s approach to backward composting ensures that even the smallest amount of food waste can be transformed into a valuable soil amendment.

With her guidance, home gardeners can learn how to create enough food for their plants using their own compost. Flood’s expertise in composting has revolutionized the way small farms and individuals view waste management and sustainable agriculture practices. The Compost Coach is a must-read for anyone looking to reduce waste and improve soil health through the power of composting.

Composting Bob Flowerdew

Composting: Bob’s Basics by Bob Flowerdew

Composting: Bob’s Basics by Bob Flowerdew is a practical and comprehensive guide that demystifies the art of composting for readers of all levels. Flowerdew’s expertise and passion for organic gardening shine through as he shares his wealth of knowledge on creating nutrient-rich compost from kitchen scraps, garden waste, and more.

Through clear and concise instructions, he guides readers on setting up a compost system, maintaining the right balance of ingredients, and troubleshooting common issues. Flowerdew’s friendly and approachable writing style makes composting accessible and enjoyable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking to cultivate sustainable practices in their home and garden.

Technical Books On The Science of Composting

Book Cover for Let it Rot

Let It Rot – Stu Campbell

Let It Rot by Stu Campbell is a classic and authoritative guide to composting that emphasizes the simplicity and benefits of turning organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. Campbell’s practical tips and step-by-step instructions cater to both beginners and experienced composters, making the process easy to understand and implement.

With a focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship, the book covers a wide range of composting methods, from traditional piles to vermicomposting, offering solutions for every space and lifestyle. Campbell’s passion for composting shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making Let It Rot a must-have resource for anyone looking to reduce waste and enhance their garden’s health.

Book cover for the rodale book of composting

The Rodale Book Of Composting – Grace Gershuny

The Rodale Book of Composting by Grace Gershuny is hailed as one of the best composting books, providing valuable insights into the practice of turning kitchen scraps and yard waste into black gold. Gershuny highlights the importance of cover crops in enhancing soil health and addresses the crucial role of composting in combating climate change.

By delving into the intricate workings of the soil food web, Gershuny shows readers a great way to promote sustainable gardening practices. With its comprehensive approach and engaging narrative, The Rodale Book of Composting offers invaluable information for eco-conscious individuals looking to make a positive impact on the environment.

Book cover Compost, Vermicompost, and Compost Tea

Compost, Vermicompost, and Compost Tea: Feeding The Soil On The Organic Farm by Grace Gershuny

“Compost, Vermicompost, and Compost Tea” by Grace Gershuny is a comprehensive guide that delves into the world of organic farming and sustainable soil management. Gershuny’s expertise shines through as she explores the benefits of composting, vermicomposting, and compost tea for enriching soil health and promoting plant growth.

The book offers practical advice on creating and using these soil amendments in a way that benefits both the environment and agricultural productivity. With an emphasis on organic practices and regenerative agriculture, Gershuny’s book is a valuable resource for farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in sustainable food production.

Comprehensive Books On Composting

The complete compost gardening guide

The Complete Compost Gardening Guide by Barbara Pleasant and Deborah L. Martin

The Complete Compost Gardening Guide” by Barbara Pleasant and Deborah L. Martin is a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for gardeners looking to improve their soil health and plant growth through composting.

The book covers everything from the basics of composting to advanced techniques for creating rich, nutrient-dense soil. Pleasant and Martin offer practical advice on how to compost effectively in any setting, whether it be urban or rural, large or small. With an emphasis on sustainable gardening practices and environmental stewardship, this book provides valuable information on how to turn kitchen scraps and yard waste into black gold for the garden.

Book Cover of the composting handbook

The Composting Handbook by Robert Rynk

In The Composting Handbook by Robert Rynk, readers are treated to a comprehensive and informative guide on all things composting. Highlighting the benefits of a worm composting system, Rynk offers gardeners a practical and efficient way to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste.

Regarded as one of the favorite books among eco-conscious individuals, this handbook covers a wide range of topics, detailing the process of composting different things and providing essential tips for maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem. With its easy-to-follow instructions and insightful advice, The Composting Handbook is a must-have for any gardener looking to enhance their composting skills and reduce waste.

Book cover of composting troubleshooter

The Composting Troubleshooter by Jane Gilbert

The Composting Troubleshooter” by Jane Gilbert is an essential guide for anyone facing challenges in their composting efforts. Gilbert’s book is a practical and informative resource that addresses common issues such as pest problems, odors, and slow decomposition. With clear and concise explanations, Gilbert offers solutions to troubleshoot these problems and get your compost back on track.

By providing expert advice and troubleshooting tips, this book empowers composters of all levels to overcome obstacles and achieve successful composting results. Whether you’re a novice composter or a seasoned pro, “The Composting Troubleshooter” is a valuable tool for improving your composting skills and creating healthy, nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

If these books on composting are inspiring you to get your hands dirty then check this out. I wrote this pretty comprehensive post on soil and biodiversity that goes hand-in-hand with composting. There are some great super-quick tips on how to build soil biodiversity in there that I recommend you check out!

Kid’s Books On Composting

Book cover compost stew

Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe For The Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals

“Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe For The Earth” by Mary McKenna Siddals is a delightful and educational children’s book that introduces young readers to the concept of composting. This colorful and engaging picture book takes children on an alphabetical journey through the world of composting, showcasing how everyday items like apple cores, eggshells, and grass clippings can be mixed together to create nutrient-rich soil.

Through fun and rhythmic verse, Siddals teaches children about the importance of recycling and caring for the environment. With vibrant illustrations and a positive message about sustainability, “Compost Stew” is a wonderful read-aloud for families and classrooms alike.

Book cover of save the scraps

Save The Scraps by Bethany Stahl

“Save The Scraps” by Bethany Stahl is a charming and insightful children’s book that highlights the importance of reducing food waste. Through colorful illustrations and simple language, Stahl introduces readers to the concept of using leftovers and scraps to create new meals. The story follows a young girl as she learns to be creative in the kitchen, turning food scraps into delicious dishes instead of throwing them away.

With a positive message about sustainability and resourcefulness, “Save The Scraps” encourages children to think critically about their food consumption habits and make a positive impact on the environment. This book is a valuable tool for sparking conversations about reducing waste and making a difference in the world.

Book cover of kid's book compost

Compost: A Family Guide to Making Soil from Scraps by Ben Raskin

“Compost: A Family Guide to Making Soil from Scraps” by Ben Raskin is a comprehensive and practical guide that teaches families how to turn kitchen and garden waste into nutrient-rich compost. This informative book provides step-by-step instructions on composting, from setting up a compost bin to troubleshooting common issues.

Raskin’s friendly tone and accessible language make it easy for readers of all ages to understand the composting process and its benefits for the environment. With colorful illustrations and fun activities, “Compost” inspires families to take action towards sustainable living and reducing waste. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in starting their composting journey.

Book cover of composting community

Composting For Community by Michael Martinez

“Composting for Community” by Michael Martinez is a heartwarming tale told from Mateo’s perspective, shedding light on his family heritage and the importance of composting. Mateo’s father, who comes from a long line of farmers, instills in him the value of sustainable practices and community involvement.

When Mateo’s father gives a career day presentation at his school about his job as a composting specialist, Mateo gains a newfound appreciation for his family’s legacy. Inspired by his father’s passion, Mateo embarks on a journey to promote composting in his community, creating a ripple effect of positive change and connecting with his family’s heritage in a meaningful way.

Fun Books On Composting

The humanure handbook book cover

The Humanure Handbook: Shit In A Nutshell by Joseph Jenkins

“The Humanure Handbook: Shit In A Nutshell” by Joseph Jenkins is a revolutionary and thought-provoking guide to the practice of composting human waste. Jenkins challenges societal taboos surrounding human waste disposal and presents a practical and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional sewage systems.

The book provides detailed information on building and maintaining a safe and effective humanure composting system, highlighting the benefits of recycling nutrients back into the soil. Through humor and well-researched facts, Jenkins encourages readers to reconsider their approach to waste management and embrace the concept of using human waste as a valuable resource for sustainable farming. “The Humanure Handbook” is a must-read for anyone interested in sustainable living practices.

Book cover of how to compost everything

Compost Everything : The Good Guide to Extreme Composting by David The Good

“Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting” by David The Good is a comprehensive and unique approach to composting that challenges conventional methods. The book explores unconventional and extreme composting techniques, such as composting meat, bones, and even whole animals. David The Good provides practical advice and step-by-step instructions on how to compost a wide range of materials effectively, turning waste into valuable soil amendments.

Through humor and a no-nonsense approach, the author inspires readers to think outside the box and embrace the concept of composting everything. “Compost Everything” is a valuable resource for those looking to maximize their composting efforts and reduce waste in a creative and sustainable way.

Did ChatGPT write this?

The world is a mad place. Right now there’s obscure pressure on bloggers to write an obscene number of posts every week to be allowed a visible place on the platforms. That’s not really how I roll though. I’m a letter-writing, sourdough-making, slow-living kind of girl. Ideally, I’d like for all my posts to be 100% written by me without any interference from AI. Spelling mistakes and all. But my words, sentences and paragraphs, heck even my thoughts, wouldn’t be SEO optimized.

So please tell me in the comments which part of this post you like the most. Is it the totally original introduction or the ChatGPT written descriptions of every single one of these books? And please don’t worry.. I will share my own, real-person book reviews when my head is a little more over water with all those posts.

If you want more real-world, human-written content then please join my newsletter to show your support (and get great homesteading content) <3

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